Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New Site

Made a family website! Go see!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Callan has his first tooth! Man, the last few days have been rough, with his crying and fussing and not eating or sleeping. It was miserable for us, not to mention how bad I am sure it was for him. But this morning I gave him some Tylenol and then went to feel his gums, just to check, and lo and behold! There it was! A tiny little white tooth, sharp as a razor! Yay! I am so happy my baby has a tooth! And it looks like another one is about to ready to come in. My poor baby, it hurts him so bad, but we are so excited!!!

EDIT: There is TWO teeth!!!! His bottom two! Wow!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

6 Months Old

Callan had his 6 Month Well Baby this morning. Of course, all is well. He weighs 17 pounds 4 ounces, he is 25.5 inches tall, and his head circumference is 43 cm. He is a little short doc said, but he will catch up. That is why he looks so chunky. He really does not weigh that much for his age, he just is not tall enough yet. And hey, his mama is short, so there. He got his shots, and knew what was coming. He was crying before she even got the first needle in. And then he started to kick her away. LOL. But once it was all over and I picked him up, he was like, oh okay, it is over. No more tears. He won't have to get shots now again until he is one year old. Callan has one tooth about ready to poke through, and doc said if we get a tooth brush and brush his gums more often and let Callan just chew on it, then it will help the tooth come through. They gave us 6 tubs of Aquafor for his teething rash on his face and mouth! 6 tubs!!! That will last until he is 20! And they gave us 6 big bottles of the Tylenol for his for his teething. Sheesh! But all in all, it went well, and Mr. Callan is still perfect!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Good Days & Bad Nights

My little perfect monster has gone from sleeping through the night, to…well not. It all started about a week ago. Monday was a normal day for us. Same routine on naps, feeding, playing, etc. Callan was happy and playful. We did the same normal nightly routine, and put him down in his crib to sleep. He fell asleep right away, like usual. At about 1:30am, he woke up screaming and so of course, I go in there, change his diaper, feed him a bottle, and burp him. By the time I am done burping him, he is fast asleep on my shoulder. I go to put him back down in his crib, and the second, and I do mean thee very second, he touched the crib mattress, he was wailing again. So I picked him back up, and rocked him to sleep again. The same scenario when I go to put him in the crib again. So I went out into the living room, and put him in the vibra-chair, and he falls right to sleep, while I toss and turn on the couch all night. Tuesday, daytime was great, and then it is bedtime. Callan goes right to sleep again. This time, it is 12:30am, and he is up and wailing. I go to him, do the diaper and the bottle, and he falls asleep on me. I put him in the crib, he seems like he is sleeping, so I crawl back into bed, and the minute I am comfy and ready to fall back asleep, Callan is wailing. So I just go put him on the vibra-chair, and lay on the couch. Callan does not want to sleep. He wants to play. He laughs at me every time I get up to put his pacifier in and bounce the chair. After about an hour, he falls asleep, while once again I toss and turn on the couch. Wednesday, great day. Good bedtime routine. Falls asleep. 11:00pm comes. Callan is awake once again. Diaper wet. Change it. Try to feed bottle, he only takes about 2 ounces. I try to rock him to sleep, he is looking around. I put him in the vibra-chair. He wants to play. It is 2:00am, and my child is still wide awake. So I sit and play on the computer, since I know he is not gonna fall asleep anytime soon. I am exhausted and drained. Finally he falls asleep, but I can’t. So I just stay awake. Sure enough, one hour later, Callan is up screaming again. And again, not hungry. Is he overly tired? I don’t know. Is he not tired at all? Well, he should be tired. He does not take naps much anymore during the day. I don’t know what the matter is. But I am almost to my breaking point. I don’t mind getting up in the night. I am used that from the newborn days. I could get up 20 times in the night, as long as we can do our business and go right back to bed. My problem with the little monster is getting him to go back to sleep! Because if he goes back to sleep, Mama can go back to sleep! Thursday comes around, time for bed. All goes well. It is 8:00pm, his regular bedtime. He falls fast asleep. Then it is 10:00pm, and he is awake!!! Is this a joke? Is it the reflux bothering him again? Teething? I don’t think so because he does not seem in pain. He eats, gets a diaper change and we let him cry it out until he falls asleep. We have never let him cry it out, and it bothers me a lot to listen to him scream like that. But after about ten minutes he is sleeping. By the time I go to bed, two hours later, guess who is awake? I tend to him but go back to bed letting him cry it out. He eventually falls asleep. Friday night, he is awake and screaming again. And I have reached my wits end. I cry it out with Callan. He screams for an hour. We give him Tylenol because just maybe he is hurting, although he does not seem like it. He cries for twenty more minutes, and falls asleep. Mama cries for another hour while Daddy holds her and comforts her. Callan gets up three more times Friday night. Saturday is a good day. And a good night. He sleeps through the night again. Same with last night, and hopefully tonight. Not sure what Callan was going through, but (knock on wood) it is over!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

5 Months Old!

Callan is now 5 months old! Can you believe it? I hardly can! My little peanut is growing so fast! He is doing so much, it is unbelievable! He is sitting up on his own, and he can stand on his own, if he is leaning against a chair or a table. He is very vocal, but always has been. He can now say “words”. He says Mama, Dada, Baa Baa, Boo Boo, Nana, Oh Oh. Jason is convinced that Callan knows what he is saying, but I say he is just making noise. Who knows. LOL. Callan also “sings”. There is a CD we play for him in the car, his Leapfrog CD. And he will babble to whole songs. And if you shut it off, he stops “singing”. Very cute. Callan is a total water baby. He loves the bath, and does not want to get out. He will sit in there and splash the water and squeal with delight. He loves the pool, too. He will stay in the pool for about an hour before he wants to get out. He just loves kicking around in his floatie. We have to get him a bigger deeper pool, because now he is so tall, that he stands up in the pool, and he can’t really kick his legs, since it is not deep enough. He loves going out to the lake though, so he can just cruise around in the water. We go out to the lake quite often on the weekends. Callan is a copy-cat too! It is amazing. Of course Jason and I think Callan is a genius for this! LOL. Jason will rub on the edge of the pool and make that squeaky rubbery sound, and then Callan will rub on his floatie and do the same sound. And Jason will run his finger over Callan’s lips to make that “blubber” sound, and Callan will do the same thing to Daddy’s lips! And Callan knows his name. You will call out to him, and he will look at you. But only if you say his name. If you say something else (like we call him Bear as a nickname) he won’t look. He also knows who Mama and Daddy are. I will say “Where is Daddy?” and he will look at Jason. And Jason will say “Where is Mama?” and then Callan will look at me. What a smart boy! We’ve started him on the transition cup and Stage 2 foods now too. Pretty soon our son is going to be running around the house, and then I will really wonder where my little peanut went to! Time goes by so fast! But we are enjoying every minute of it!

Friday, July 25, 2008

What It's Like To Be The Mom Of An Infant Son

So let me just go through our day today! LOL. Callan woke up at 1am, 2:30am, and got up for the day at 5:30am. He was not hungry. He is teething. And Mama went to bed at 11pm, so I got about 4 hours of sleep. Callan was not feeling good, so he wanted to cuddle on the couch. And my son is not a cuddler. He does like to be held, just not a cuddle-bug. But lately he has been, due to the teething. So we laid side by side facing each other on the couch, and he just stared at me while chewing on his pacifier. He finally drifted off to sleep about 7am, but then Jason was getting up, so I was up anyhow. Mid-day, Callan’s teeth got to hurting him so bad he just screamed and screamed. We dosed him with Tylenol and Baby Orajel swabs, and he wanted to cuddle with Mama some more. He had his arms wrapped so tight around my neck and his fists clenched into my shirt, he did not want me to let him go. So even though I was exhausted, I was in heaven to get to cuddle with my son. One of those sweet moments. Then afternoon hit. Our little monster was feeling much better. At lunch he spit his carrots on me. And that crap stains! It was on the floor, the table, the highchair, my shirt, my face. He thought it was hilarious. In the bathtub, he farted, and it actually blew bubbles in the water! Ok, let me just tell you that our son has an atomic ass. LOL. He farted yesterday and I seriously almost puked. It was awful! I was gagging, and Jason was laughing at me. So anyways, Callan is in bed now, and here I sit at the end of the day, covered in regurgitated peaches, carrots, and milk, oh, and a little pee. It is on my pants, my shirt, in my hair. I found a splat of carrots on my neck. I smell lovely. I’m exhausted, cranky, can’t wait to get in the shower. But here I am with a smile on my face, listening to my son snore, and remembering how sweet he was to me today when he was not feeling good. It is the most awesome feeling in the world to know that both the men in my life need me.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Callan In The Crib

Callan in the crib. LOL. Sounds like a title to a gangsta movie or something. Callan slept in his crib for the first time last night. It went better than we thought it would. We put him down, and of course I cried. Letting my baby go a little bit. But he fell asleep straight away, and slept until 2am, wanting a bottle, which is unusual. Then he fell right back asleep until 6:30am, and then we got up for the day. So he did fairly well. He screamed bloody murder at 6:30am though. I think he woke up on his own, like he always does, and wondered where he was. He was not used to it. So I think he was a little scared. But he will get used to it. And so will I. I did not get much sleep as I tippy toed in there everytime I heard a noise on the monitor. LOL. So Callan did better than Mama did!

Today not much is going on. We were supposed to be in Oklahoma right now visiting Grandma Bunny, but it did not work out. So maybe next weekend we will go. Today I cleaned a lot, and did some laundry. This afternoon Jason will be home, so we will just relax. We might put Callan in the pool. It is hot here again. Of course, it is Texas. Tonight we are going to the drive-in! I am way excited! A little date! Hopefully Callan will sleep through it. It is a double feature. Hancock and The Zohan. So yeah, should be interesting. I guess that is it! Have a great day!